let’s do hard things.
coming soon.
what is four by four?
Four Guys
Four by Four is a group of four guys who have intentionally committed to engaging in daily conversation and encouragement in an effort to become the men God has called us to be.
Four Months
These guys commit to complete four goals of their own choosing while also engaging daily in conversation through the use of online mediums.
Four Goals
We believe that striving together to accomplish real, tangible things is key to our growth as men. With that in mind, Four by Four includes a mental, physical, spiritual and creational goal of your choosing.
For Each Other
We need community. Full stop. Whenever we decide we can do life on our own, we start to drown. Encouragement and challenge from our peers are vital to our lives.
You have attempted a men’s bible study called “The Warrior’s Pilgrim’s Progress Full Armor of God Way” where they cooked a lot of meat. Then you sat around a table once a week with guys who were in “the same life stage” as you. You agreed to it for 8 weeks. And in the first 28 minutes, you thought, “This ain’t it.”
Yeah. Us too.
We think we fixed it. We think we figured out a meaningful way to explore masculinity the way God designed it. And we made it incredibly accessible. We designed it to catch you in the flow of life. It really is as simple as sending a text message.
…Easy. Exploring your soul and becoming a better man isn’t for the faint of heart. It will require effort. And some pain. And some struggle. And some sacrifice. But it will always be worth it.